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Music is a great way to improve your health and mental well-being. If you’ve been playing the same old familiar tunes for years, it’s time to add some vitality with your music. Next, let us spotlight the top tunes of the artist songwriter process ricordi libretto vaccinazioni cane pdf free. The following songs are perfect for beginners to intermediate players alike. They offer catchy melodies that are easy on the ears while still being challenging enough to satisfy even seasoned professionals. This is a great song to play at the beginning of an acoustic guitar concert. It is easy to play, fun to listen to, and always gets the crowd on their feet. “El Bimbo” by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 8/8 time signature B minor key Youtube Video Link: How It Sounds: https://youtu. be/7YrY7eb_s7I “Bicycle” by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 8/8 time signature E minor key How It Sounds: “Nervous in the Wind” by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 2/4 time signature E minor key How It Sounds: Here {YouTube Link}[/youtube] http://www.kinggizzwig. com/ “Deserted Docks of the River Thames” by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 4/4 time signature C#m (no 3rd) key How It Sounds: Here {YouTube Link}[/youtube] “Robot Stop” by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 2/4 time signature em (no 5th) key How It Sounds: https://youtu. be/5X2ufVQHmGk?t=7m22s&list=WL&index=1 Here {YouTube Link}[/youtube] “Rattlesnake” by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard 8/8 time signature C# minor key How It Sounds: Here {YouTube Link}[/youtube] http://www.kinggizzwig. cfa1e77820